Wednesday 3 October 2012

Ecosystem and the Environment

ABOVE:Ecologist Organize The Environment 
Every location where the human race has lived contained a community of plants, animals, insects, and other natural resources. A community of organisms, other natural resources, and their influence on each other is called an ecosystem. The plants and animals existing in an ecosystem are those most adapted to that particular environment.

Ecosystems are dynamic interactions between plants, animals, and microorganisms and their environment working together as a functional unit. We have affected ecosystems in almost every way imaginable!  Every time we walk out in the wilderness or bulldoze land for a new parking lot we are drastically altering an ecosystem. We have disrupted the food chain, the carbon cycle, the nitrogen cycle, and the water cycle.  Mining minerals also takes its toll on an ecosystem.  We need to do our best to not interfere in these ecosystems and let nature take its toll.   No community can carry more organisms than its food, water, and shelter can accomodate. 

 Food and territory are often balanced by natural phenomena such as fire, disease, and the number of predators.  Each organism has its own niche, or role, to play. Throughout time, humans have learned to exist in many locations on the earth. The interaction of humans with the environment surroundings in these locations has often brought major changes in that environment. Some changes were good, some were bad. Many times the bad changes were caused by humans making too much of a change in the environment, by using or abusing the natural resources anything found in nature present.

Changing or using natural resources will affect the entire ecosystem, since an imbalance in the system is created. Ecosystems naturally change with time. In most cases, the change does not completely destroy the ecosystem, because a new, slightly different ecosystem can be created with the natural resources that are currently in place. Ecosystems can be destroyed, however, if the change is made too quickly.As we are approaching the festive season ,we need to take care and look after our environment.Keep it healthy so as we can stay healty as well.

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Water pollution

People in Informal Settlements Washing their clothes polluting the Water
Water pollution is a serious health, social, and environmental issue in many parts of the world, especially developing countries. There are currently more than one billion people in the world without the access to safe drinking water, and this issue is soon to become even worse because many scientists expect major droughts ,as a result of increasing climate change impact that will further limit already scarce water resources in many parts of the world.Water pollution is often characterized with excessive level of different pollutants into rivers. Cleaning these rivers from pollution requires huge funds, and since most of these incidents happen in developing countries there is often not enough money available for these funds.Water is one of the most precious resources on our planet.

 This means that water pollution issue must reach global level in terms of involving all countries in the world in a joint effort to find the best possible solutions to stop further rise of water pollution worldwide.Johannesburg is one of the cities with high rate of water pollution especially in informal settlements or shacks .For example ther you may find out that many people spent their lives in swimming so they pollute water by the means of swimming.Some of them do not have access to tap waters so they go to near rivers to fetch their water from.In few months ago an area called Bekkersdal in West Rand District experienced such problem of water pollution because the residents spent more than years having no access to tap water and the children used to go and play in that water area.This thing of water pollution affected so many peoples lives around the area
  • Stopping poverty is one of the best ways to tackle water pollution issue. Poor, uneducated people will fail to prevent water pollution, as they in general care very little for our environment.
  • Water purification methods could be also used to decrease the levels of water pollution in many countries of the world. Water purification methods refer to different processes that are used to remove harmful chemicals and other pollutants from water bodies so water could be used for safe.
 We mustn't forget that water pollution leads to different waterborne diseases that are causing the deaths of million people all over the world. Diarrhea alone causes approximately 1.5 million deaths of children worldwide each year.

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Stop Wildlife Crime

Sign Against Wildlife Crime
 Wildlife crime is now the most urgent threat to three of the world’s best-loved species—elephants, rhinos and tigers.Tens of thousands of elephants are poached each year. Between 1995 and 2007, experts estimate that elephant populations in Central Africa declined by more than 50 percent, primarily due to ivory poaching.

Close to 18,000 pounds of illicit rhino horn reaches Asian markets each year, where the street price rivals that of pure gold.There are as few as 3,200 tigers left in the wild and they are hunted relentlessly by poachers.Even more worrying, these species cannot survive high levels of poaching for long.

We can turn the tide.

We need your help to save wildlife and people from becoming victims of wildlife crime. Join our public relations practitioners campaign and help us:

  • Push governments to protect threatened animal populations by increasing law enforcement, imposing strict deterrents, reducing demand for endangered species products and honoring international commitments made under CITES.
  • Speak up on behalf of those on the frontlines being threatened by armed poachers so they are properly equipped, trained and compensated.
  • Reduce demand for illegal wildlife parts and products by encouraging others to ask questions and get the facts before buying any wildlife or plant product.
How You Can Help

  • Stop wildlife crime -Learn how you can take action against the most urgent to elephants ,rhinosand tigers.
  • Stay connected -Get the wildlife news and conservation updates.
  • Adopt a Rhino-Make a symbolic Rhino adoption to help save some of the worlds most endangerd animals from extinction and suport.
"Care for me and i care for you"message from our lovely wildlife animals,do what you would like people to do inreturn for you by loving and showing care to the wild animals suffering on daily basis.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Climate change is happening

Climate change is already affecting
 Climate change includes major changes in temperature, precipitation, or wind patterns, among other effects, that occur over several decades or longer.Many places have seen changes in rainfall, resulting in more floods, droughts, or intense rain, as well as more frequent and severe heat waves. The planet's oceans and glaciers have also experienced some big changes - oceans are warming and becoming more acidic, ice caps are melting, and sea levels are rising. As these and other changes become more pronounced in the coming decades, they will likely present challenges to our society and our environment.

In past weeks johannesburg has been experiencing high rate of rainfall even though its not summer yet.The weather kept on changing and people were affected by it drastically.People became confused of what to wear by then, so that showed that climate change exist and is happening .Humans are largely responsible for recent climate change,Over the past century, human activities have released large amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.The majority of greenhouse gases come from burning fossil fuels to produce energy, although deforestation, industrial processes, and some agricultural practices also emit gases into the atmosphere.Climate change affects everyone.Our lives are connected to the climate,Human societies have adapted to the relatively stable climate we have enjoyed since the last ice age which ended several thousand years ago.Although it's difficult to predict the exact impacts of climate change, what's clear is that the climate we are accustomed to is no longer a reliable guide for what to expect in the future.We can reduce the risks we will face from climate change, by making choices that reduce greenhouse gas pollution, and preparing for the changes that are already underway, we can reduce risks from climate change. Our decisions today will shape the world our children and grandchildren will live in.

We can make a difference
hands on a globe 
You can take action. You can take steps at home, on the road, and in your office to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the risks associated with climate change. Many of these steps can save you money; some, such as walking or biking to work can even improve your health! You can also get involved on a local or state level to support energy efficiency, clean energy programs, or other climate programs.

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Deforestation process

The above picture shows how the process of deforestation looks like
  Deforestation is the removal of a forest or stand of trees where the land is thereafter converted to a non forest use. Examples of deforestation include conversion of forestland to farms, ranches, or urban use.About half of the world's original forests had been destroyed by 2011, the majority during the previous 50 years. More than half of the animal and plant species in the world live in tropical forests.Because deforestation basically involves killing trees in forests, there are so many effects that can be enumerated as results of the activity. Effects of deforestation can be classified and grouped into effects to biodiversity, environment and social settings.When forests are cuted down, nature basically requires people to renew the forest.  Reforestation is proven to be a much harder effort than deforestation. It is one concept that is in the opposite direction as deforestation.So the rate of deforestation has not been offset by the rate of reforestation.

 Thus, the world is now in a  state when it comes to issues concerning the environment.the depletion of these groups of trees is greatly increasing the risk that carbon monoxide would reach the atmosphere and result in the depletion of the ozone layer, which in turn results to global warming.
One major effect of deforestation is climate change. Changes to the surroundings done by deforestation work in many ways. One, there is abrupt change in temperatures in the nearby areas. Forests naturally cool down because they help retain moisture in the air.Forests are natural habitats to many types of animals and organisms. That is why, when there is deforestation, many animals are left without shelters. Those that manage to go through the flat lands and residential sites are then killed by peopletroubled.

Deforestation is hardly hitting the living conditions of indigenous people who consider forests as their primary habitats. Imagine how they are rendered homeless when forests are depleted. These natives would be forced to live elsewhere, and are usually left to becoming mendicants in rural and urban areas.Why cant we love our environment?Some of us have no idea of the role that forests play in an environment.Why keep on destroying our natural herbs?This blog will give you the tips and educate you well on loving your trees ,plants also living happily with them.Imagine the future if the rate of deforestation occurs at a rate of just 15 hectares annually? At that rate in just 30 to 40 years the worlds forests will have been turned into arid barren wasteland useless for any purpose.There are many differing groups that will have to work together to achieve an end to deforestation environmental and conservation groups, governments, consumers, corporations as well as those who actually work in the forests. We need each and every one of us to take a stand and do our bit.Lets work together and save our forests.

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Medical Waste Disposal

Medical Waste Disposal is the most fundamental and crucial step towards infection prevention in health care facilities.Waste of all sorts can have negative effects, not only on the environment that it is disposed of in, but also directly and indirectly on the life that surrounds the environment. Medical waste often presents the greatest risk of any waste. This is a result of the possibility of pathogens in the waste and role it can play for pathogens.Medical waste, also known as clinical waste, refers to biological products, which are essentially useless. Medical Waste Disposal is an environmental concern, as many medical wastes are classified as infectious or bio-hazardous and can spread infectious disease.Medical Waste Disposal is the most fundamental and crucial step towards infection prevention in health care facilities.

  • Minimises the spread of infections and reduces the risk of accidental injury to staff, clients, visitors, and the local community
  •  Helps provide an aesthetically pleasing atmosphere
  •  Reduces odors and other unpleasant sights.
  • Attracts fewer insects and does not attract animals
  • Reduces the likelihood of contamination of the soil or ground water with chemicals or microorganisms

Anyone who handles contaminated waste--from the time it is thrown out by a service provider to even after it reaches the site of final disposal--is at risk of infection or injury. In many settings, housekeeping staff may not understand their risks. It is particularly important for supervisors to ensure that these staff know their risks and follow the appropriate procedures.This can be prevented by informing all people who can be affected by it on how to take care of themselves. It can be done by educating staff, administrators, and the local community about the dangers of contaminated Medical Waste and by instituting low-cost, safe Medical Waste Disposal practise's, all health facilities can minimise the risks associated with waste disposal.Medical waste disposal must not be dumped everywhere it just need to be looked after and be well managed,avoiding it of being moving all around causing the danger in people's lifestyle

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Littering and the environment

 Litter in our surroundings is an important environmental issue, which many people overlook. While a majority of people do know that littering is a bad thing, many continue to carelessly scatter their trash around nonetheless.There are a host of problems that stem from littering, and the environment has been suffering as a result 
Above:pre-cautions about where to put your litter!
of some people’s inability to control this habit. Money is also wasted because of it. The government has to employ people to pick up trash, and that means funding from tax revenue.
Littering can be hazardous to one’s health as well . Trash in an area attracts vermin and bacteria. Broken glass and other sharp objects are dangerous when left in public places.
Litter is harmful to wildlife as well. Plastic can cause birds and other animals to choke, when they mistake it for food. And, even worse, small bits of plastic can accumulate in the stomach of a bird, never digesting or decomposing, to the point where there is no more room for real food and the bird starves to death with a full stomach. What is the impact of all the littering that individuals do, largely from their cars and on highways? What can I do to help clean it up? How can we strengthen laws to prevent it?
Only You Can Prevent Litter
Doing your part to keep litter to a minimum is easy, but it takes vigilance. For starters, never let trash escape from your car, and make sure household garbage bins are sealed tightly so animals can’t get at the contents. Always remember to take your garbage with you upon leaving a park or other public space. And if you’re still smoking, isn’t saving the environment a compelling enough reason to finally quit? Also, if that stretch of roadway you drive everyday to work is a haven for litter, offer to clean it up and keep it clean.The best way to support and care for your environment is to be carefully about your littering and let your it be the best priority  to  look at ,try by all means to sacrifice for making your environment clean.Love and care for your environment!!

Tuesday 31 July 2012

Make the change - become a Mandela Day Change maker

All about Mandela day-18July 2012

Talking of  Mandela day defining the world around you!its all about giving support to our loved ones and making them feel special during the day. Many people showed their role of being the heroes to the south african people as a whole.To describe Nelson Mandela as a generous man would be to fall very short of explaining the incredible story of love, compassion and forgiveness that is his life. But more than this, it is his legacy, a spirit of giving and asking for nothing in return, that is by far his greatest gift to South Africans, and indeed the whole world. People did their best on achieving their goals on Mandela day,they used the 67minutes doing something that sustain other peoples living.South african communities made a very huge difference to give help on community services and they tried by all means to reach their destinations on making better environment and creating unity within them. 

 Many activities were presented during the day ,People in communities spent their time showing their talents and making the difference on Mandela day. The overarching objective of Mandela Day is to inspire individuals to take action to help change the world for the better, and in doing so build a global movement for good. Ultimately it seeks to empower communities everywhere. Mandela Day is a celebration of our collective power to do good and make an imprint on the world. You can add to the initiative’s momentum by telling as many people as possible about it. Use your own network of friends, media connections, corporates and organisations to get involved and make a difference .Mandela day played a very good role to all the south african people ,some of them started to experience love,care and they got support from different people around them.

Ways to change the world:
  • Think of others
  • Help out for good health
  • Become an educator
  • Help those living in poverty
  • Look after your environment
  • Treasure the elderly
  • Care for the youth

Friday 4 May 2012


The rhino poaching epidemic in Southern Africa has got to the point where we are losing animals on an almost daily basis.A total of 333 rhinos were illegally killed in South Africa in 2010, including ten critically endangered black rhinos, according to national park officials. The yearly total is the highest ever experienced in South Africa and nearly triple 2009 when 122 Kruger National Park was hit the harhinos were killed in the country.rdest losing 146 rhinos to poaching in 2010; the park is home to the largest populations of both white and black rhinos in the country.
 Rhino poaching across Africa has risen sharply in the past few years, threatening to reverse hard-won population increases achieved by conservation authorities during the 20th century.
Due to the above mentioned problem of rhino poaching the public relations practitioners took a futher step on creating emphasis more to peoples mind to stop poaching because that destroys the lifes of our living animals.We as the public realations practitioners we are assisting our environment and animals to live a happily life style ,and be well treated in a good manner. They then started on a project called Earth Organization,The Earth Organization is an independent, non-profit group which seeks to reverse the dwindling spiral of the plant and animal kingdoms and our environment through education and action.The Earth Organization’s mission is to bring education to people all over the world and to effectively change man’s relationship with the plant and animal kingdoms.The Earth Organization is rolling out a program to assist in the fight to save our rhinos in South Africa.the public relations practitioners  said that there is no “silver bullet” to handle the rhino crisis. We have therefore taken a multi-pronged approach to fighting this dreadful scourge.

The project will roll out as follows:

  • The Earth Organization is setting up a whistle blowers fund to reward individuals for the report and conviction of poachers. Thus making it more valuable to expose poachers than to assist them
  •  Education will continue around the game reserves to bring understanding of the value of rhino and the importance of biodiversity to human survival.
  • The Earth Organization will work with like-minded organizations to increase the force against poaching syndicates and continue to put pressure on government to address the issue as a matter of national importance. 

Thursday 3 May 2012

Loving your environment by recyling

 Recycling refers to the process of collecting used materials which are usually considered as 'waste' and reprocessing them. In this process these used materials are sorted and processed to be used as 'raw materials' for the production of new products. Recycling varies from 'reuse' in the sense that while reuse just means using old products repeatedly, recycling means using the core elements of an old product as raw material to manufacture new goods.
 Some of the most common items that are recycled are plastic, glass, paper, batteries, aluminum, etc.The recycling process involves three stages. In the first stage the old products are collected and processed, where they are sorted, cleaned and made ready for recycling or manufacturing new products. The second stage involves the manufacturing of new products from the raw material obtained by the processing of the old products. Finally, the process ends with the purchasing of recycled goods by the consumers. The more people step forward to buy recycled products, the better the success of the recycling process can be ensured. Buying recycled products will only increase when every individual will develop an awareness of the difference that can be made by utilizing their old household objects as raw materials to produce new goods and help the environment by recycling

Interesting Recycling Facts

  •    It is said that every person creates around 4.7 pounds of waste every day.

  •    In the United States about 33.4% solid waste is recycled, 12.6% is burned in combustion facilities and about 54% is disposed of at a landfill site.

  •  Recycling an aluminum can preserves enough energy required to run a 100-watt bulb for 20 hours, a computer for 3 hours or a TV for 2 hours. Isn't it an interesting fact about recycling.
  •  About 125 recycled aluminum cans save up enough energy required to supply power to one home for 1 day.
  • Recycled aluminum cans, are ready for reuse in just six weeks!
  •  An amazing recycling fact about glass is that it never wears out and can be recycled forever. A glass bottle takes approximately 1 million years to decompose in a landfill site.
  •  A recycled glass bottle can save enough energy to run a computer for 25 minutes.
  •  Recycled glass containers can save about 9 gallons of fuel.

    Benefits of recycling:
    • Recycling protects and expands manufacturing jobs and increases U.S. competitiveness.
    • Recycling reduces the need for landfilling and incineration.
    • Recycling prevents pollution caused by the manufacturing of products from virgin materials.
    • Recycling saves energy.
    • Recycling decreases emissions of greenhouse gases that contribute to global climate change.
    • Recycling helps sustain the environment for future generations
    It is important for us to take care of our environment and making sure that it is clean ,from this blog you begin to learn on more tips of recyling and how can it be beneficial to you as reader. 
     If we do not recycle, the repercussions will fall on future generations. Our children and grandchildren will inherit the legacy of virgin production and throw-away consumption.Love your nature as you love yourself!

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Green Living

In this blog i will be ellaborating more facts on green living and going green to support our environment.Nowadays, people don't have the time to make their house a better place to live in, forget the world and mother nature. You think so too? If yes, you need to change your opinion soon. Without green living tips and ideas, you can easily do your bit and make this world a better place. You don't need to take out extra time or money for any of these, just some extra thought and all of us can spare that, can't we? On this blog, you will learn how you can contribute your little bit to the environment and help in making a difference.You would probably see many who support the cause of going green, saving energy, reducing pollution, and then like.
However, are they are really serious about it? Perhaps not. They support the cause only in black and white and not when it comes to the practical life. With time, the greenery of our Earth has become less. Instead of this color we get to witness the shine and sparkle of sky scrapers, huge roads, fancy cars all over the place, and yes of course the thick air filled with smoke. The prospect of going green or living green for that matter, does not seem to hold any importance for most people. But the fact that you are here on this blog, gives me the pleasure of saying that there are people who are still thoughtful towards saving the beauty of our mother Earth. And that's the reason why I am glad to present you with some of the most important going green facts, which probably you were not aware of, till now.

Interesting Facts About Going Green

The going green facts for kids and grownups have been presented in points below. So make it a point to read each of them:
  • One wise greening aspect is getting fruits and vegetables from local farms, would not only strengthen the economy of the country but would also save a lot of capital that is spent in importing them from outside.
  • One of the interesting going green facts is associated with the sunlight. According to experts, the amount of sunlight for a minute is enough to meet the energy requirement of the world, for an entire year.
  • This is also one of the must-know going green facts. You may suppose that the trees will save the humanity from the immense amount of pollution that they are creating in the environment. But very few people are aware of the fact that on an average, a mature tree is capable of absorbing only 48 pounds of CO2 every year. And when one gallon of fuel is burnt, it produces 19 pounds of CO2 in the atmosphere. So how many trees do you think we require to deal with the pollution, that just does not seem to have an end?
  • Learn some smart ways to use the resources that have been provided to you, wisely. Use a bucket and a mug while cleaning your car, switch off the lights when not in use, take shorter showers, turn off water when brushing, and wear something warm instead of turning on the heater. These are a few of the several things that you can do for saving a great deal of energy.

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Social development in South Africa

South Africa is marked by discrepancies in wealth,resources,educational and career opportunities.This is not onlya legacy of apartheid :its a feature of newely industrialising countries everywhere,as they try to remain competitive in an increasing globilised world.Our South African people are trying by all mean to be creative and do things on their own not awaiting for the government to provide for them.The department of social development aims to provide "comprehensive,intergrated,sustainable and equality social-development services".It seeks to create"an anabling environment for sustainable development in partnership with those committed to building a caring society".the Department of Social Development,which is responsible for policy and oversight in the critical areas of social assistance and social-welfare services,flags it approach as being "in the spirit of Batho Pele"(which means "people first").

As you can clearly see in the above picture where the South Africans are working on their own to provide healthy food for themselves.The DSD is collaborating with the private sector ,non-govenmental ogarnisations,faith-based organisations ,organised labour and other role-players.Its activities are designed to compliment overarching national programmessuch as national skills development plan ,the Expanded Public Works Programmes.All of this programmes assist the community members to progress well on the threats that keep or stop them not to successed on issues of importance.

Children are struggling to get proper sanitational services and hence they travel to long distances fetching water to help their families.In South Africa there are also areas that needs attention interms of service delivery,due to the above picture this can results on affecting the childs growth and healthyness ,so the Deparment of Social Development must play its role in assisting the areas with this issues.As South Africans we can work hard to make our country the better one by being united to one another and knowing the importance and values it has towards its citizens.

Friday 30 March 2012

KZN celebrating COP17 success

We live in one of the most exciting countries in the world .Since our first democractic elections in 1994 ,we've celebrated many milestones .Between 2008 and 2009,we served as non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council,and have championed both democracy and self -governance throughout the continent by heavily supporting the African Union .In 2011,durban hosted the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP17),which was attended by thousand of foreign delegates and covered extensively by the internationla press,.Durban may have seen landmark deals made at the end of COP17,but the city itself is celebrating its own successes.Kwazulu-Natal primier Zweli Mkhize and Durban mayor James Nxumalo both heaped praise on the city for hosting a successful conference.

An estimated 20000 delegates from around the world,including international media and civil society ,attended the United Nations climate change talks and agreed on the second commitment period for the kyoto protocol which expeires this year.Nxumalo said that they absolutely overwhelmed by the success of the event for the city irrespective of the outcome for the broarder climate change discussion,durban has notched up a number of significant successes of which we are immensensely proud.

The kwazulu -Natal Excutive Council,meanwhile,congratulayed all key players for the "outstanding work"during COP17which took place from 28 novermber to 10 december.The two Kwazulu-Natal learders mentioned that the city has been showered with accolades for the exceptional high standard in handling all logistic,including security,accomodation and facilities.

 charter adopted
  • The city has witnesed the adoption of the Durban adaption charter,where114 mayors and the other elected local learders representing over 950 local governments from around the world came up with a document that focuses on adaption as a crictical component of the global climate change response
COP17 has not only given Durbans image a boost but has showcase the extent of what Durban can do through its organisational and infrastructural capacity,and created a host of greening projects and initiatives that have been developed long-term legacy value for the city.Community members of KZN enjoyed the process of COP17 and became involved to events which were practised to support the environment.

Friday 23 March 2012

COP17 Members Celebrating Forests

As we know that South Africa is doing its best to protect or support the environment.COP17 is also perfoming at its best level to see the country progress at best level too.While Countries negotiate the future of kyto protol, cities,continue to  make their presence felt at the Cop.Local government are demostrating their ability to act on climate change and make positive impacts at the local level by engaging in many informal consultations with negotiators and other stakeholders.I think that celebrating this forests  can bring a change to humans and that will encourage people to wander  through this unique display,reflecting on importance of forests and their contribution to our lives.Forests are one of our most valuable assets on the earth, for example they provide us with many thing which can assist us on our daily lives:

  • They battle climate change.
  • Feed our rivers
  • Regulate storms and floods
  • They provide shelter and jobs
  • Medicines
  • Homes for numerous species
  • they also do wondersfor our well being 
  • They are the comerstones of our economies
  • They deserve our protection 
As South Africans we should always take care of our nature herbs and also take it as our most important resource to use.Why cant we value our nation and take it more seriously?

Friday 16 March 2012


Cop17 is a nations meeting between more than 190 countries from over the world to find a solution to the global threat of human-made climate change.Our country was looking forward to acknowledge the process of cop17 to save the environment.International Relations and cooperation Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane
said SouthAfrica has aimed for a fair deal at the past event of cop17 climate change conference in Durban. 
About 200,000 delegates from around the world were expected to gather in durban in less than three weeks time for a meeting which was  hosted on South Africa soil for the first time.South Africa was the third African country to host the conference after Moroco, which hosted  in Marrakech in 2001 and kenya,which hosted cop16 in Nalrobi in 2006.Delegates at a conference,where 278 municipalities were represented ,was expected to explore how municipal law could address climate change issues.Iterms up for disscission included ,whats being done to develop South africas negotiation  position with regards to cop17,the development of  the climate change and better ways of protecting it.South Africa was ready to hold the conference,they were three "compiting visions"which should come out of the conference.

  • One of them "was to limit durban focus"to the simple implementation of what came out of cop16(the cancun agreements)last year in mexico.
  • Among the objectives of the cancun agreements was to mobilise and provide scales-up funds in the short and long term to enable developing countries to take greater and effective action against climate change.
  • The other vision was to focus on both cancun agreements and the finalisation of the matters still out standing from the bali roadmap.the The bali road map existed of 2007 consisted of a number of foward-looking decision meant to reacha secure climate future.
  • copy rights  reserved

Friday 9 March 2012

Floods in south africa(Durban)


In  nowadays South Africa is expriencing a lot of rainfall that causes floods.Today we are faced with many problems and damages caused by these big rainfall resulting to floods,for example peoples houses are being damaged and some of them get injured.Looking to what recently happened in Durban its not good at all many people died because of this floods ,their properties have crashed and left with nothing to rely on.Linking to what has affected Durban several people, including a one-year-old baby, were rescued from their Durban homes after flash floods,netcare 911spokesman Chris Botha said.families in four homes on Randles road were stuck in waist-deep water after a heavy downfall.The extreme weather,which struck hours before the opening of the UN climate change conference in Durban, caused flooding and widespread damage.

The Sunday night deaths brought the number of people killed by floods in kwazulu-Natal to 11 in less than two weeks. Kwazulu- Natal cooperative governance department spokesman,Mthatheni Mabaso said six  people were killed in Umlazi and Clermont townships,south west and west of the city , on Sunday night."We have been told they died  when their  houses collapsed.We  have also been told  that about 100 homes were flooded and damaged in Isipingo,"he said on Monday.Homes were flooded in Durbans affluent areas such as Umhlanga and Newlands.This shows that even the posh areas are not spared of the effects of climate change,"said Mabaso.

Cooperative governance MEC Nomusa Dube  would visit some of the affected areas on Monday"She will accompanied by her disaster management team. They will assess the damage,"he said."Rescue personnel assisted an elderly lady and a baby less than one year to safety. Both  were treated for  the cold and elderly patient had  to be treated for  an asthma attack.Up to 20,000 delegates from more more than 190 countries are gathered in Durban to thrash out a plan to counter global warming and the catastrophic climate change, including  extreme  weather, it is causing in many parts of the world.