Friday 23 March 2012

COP17 Members Celebrating Forests

As we know that South Africa is doing its best to protect or support the environment.COP17 is also perfoming at its best level to see the country progress at best level too.While Countries negotiate the future of kyto protol, cities,continue to  make their presence felt at the Cop.Local government are demostrating their ability to act on climate change and make positive impacts at the local level by engaging in many informal consultations with negotiators and other stakeholders.I think that celebrating this forests  can bring a change to humans and that will encourage people to wander  through this unique display,reflecting on importance of forests and their contribution to our lives.Forests are one of our most valuable assets on the earth, for example they provide us with many thing which can assist us on our daily lives:

  • They battle climate change.
  • Feed our rivers
  • Regulate storms and floods
  • They provide shelter and jobs
  • Medicines
  • Homes for numerous species
  • they also do wondersfor our well being 
  • They are the comerstones of our economies
  • They deserve our protection 
As South Africans we should always take care of our nature herbs and also take it as our most important resource to use.Why cant we value our nation and take it more seriously?


  1. its a shame that not all South Africans have enough information available to them about the effect of global warming changes that in turn affect our daily activities so cop17 was needed.If we could all change our consumption habits and recycle more than often we can save this beautiful world of ours because we do not hvae a spare one.

  2. would like to add up on what Ms Khumalo said, people do not have sufficient information about global warming and other environmental issues for that matter but with blogs like these we are able to gain more and more information. big up Una your blog is educational

  3. I dont understand the COP17 thing, it just made people to be scared but what i can tell you these are the last days.

  4. that's the reason why you have to read una's blog young and free, then you will understand what COP17 is about.
