Tuesday 17 April 2012

Social development in South Africa

South Africa is marked by discrepancies in wealth,resources,educational and career opportunities.This is not onlya legacy of apartheid :its a feature of newely industrialising countries everywhere,as they try to remain competitive in an increasing globilised world.Our South African people are trying by all mean to be creative and do things on their own not awaiting for the government to provide for them.The department of social development aims to provide "comprehensive,intergrated,sustainable and equality social-development services".It seeks to create"an anabling environment for sustainable development in partnership with those committed to building a caring society".the Department of Social Development,which is responsible for policy and oversight in the critical areas of social assistance and social-welfare services,flags it approach as being "in the spirit of Batho Pele"(which means "people first").

As you can clearly see in the above picture where the South Africans are working on their own to provide healthy food for themselves.The DSD is collaborating with the private sector ,non-govenmental ogarnisations,faith-based organisations ,organised labour and other role-players.Its activities are designed to compliment overarching national programmessuch as national skills development plan ,the Expanded Public Works Programmes.All of this programmes assist the community members to progress well on the threats that keep or stop them not to successed on issues of importance.

Children are struggling to get proper sanitational services and hence they travel to long distances fetching water to help their families.In South Africa there are also areas that needs attention interms of service delivery,due to the above picture this can results on affecting the childs growth and healthyness ,so the Deparment of Social Development must play its role in assisting the areas with this issues.As South Africans we can work hard to make our country the better one by being united to one another and knowing the importance and values it has towards its citizens.


  1. Social development is doing great job to support people that are triying to make a difference in their communities., by doing this they can stop porverty and thy will be les street kids.

  2. true that girl the implimentation of this new system called social development is ther to provide help on issues concerning the environment

  3. Am glad to see that there are prgrammes like these that are in progress its high time people start doing things for themselves and not depending on the government, this should spread nation-wide

  4. Social development does play a major role in South Africa hence we need to urge the department of Social develpoment to look at this matter and focus a lot on communties who are unable to come up ways in which we should have effective social development.

  5. Social development can go way in depth in empowering the black population since its still picking up from the apartheid era but personally its a great job

  6. our government is doing its best to empower more resources concerning social development.
