Wednesday 3 October 2012

Ecosystem and the Environment

ABOVE:Ecologist Organize The Environment 
Every location where the human race has lived contained a community of plants, animals, insects, and other natural resources. A community of organisms, other natural resources, and their influence on each other is called an ecosystem. The plants and animals existing in an ecosystem are those most adapted to that particular environment.

Ecosystems are dynamic interactions between plants, animals, and microorganisms and their environment working together as a functional unit. We have affected ecosystems in almost every way imaginable!  Every time we walk out in the wilderness or bulldoze land for a new parking lot we are drastically altering an ecosystem. We have disrupted the food chain, the carbon cycle, the nitrogen cycle, and the water cycle.  Mining minerals also takes its toll on an ecosystem.  We need to do our best to not interfere in these ecosystems and let nature take its toll.   No community can carry more organisms than its food, water, and shelter can accomodate. 

 Food and territory are often balanced by natural phenomena such as fire, disease, and the number of predators.  Each organism has its own niche, or role, to play. Throughout time, humans have learned to exist in many locations on the earth. The interaction of humans with the environment surroundings in these locations has often brought major changes in that environment. Some changes were good, some were bad. Many times the bad changes were caused by humans making too much of a change in the environment, by using or abusing the natural resources anything found in nature present.

Changing or using natural resources will affect the entire ecosystem, since an imbalance in the system is created. Ecosystems naturally change with time. In most cases, the change does not completely destroy the ecosystem, because a new, slightly different ecosystem can be created with the natural resources that are currently in place. Ecosystems can be destroyed, however, if the change is made too quickly.As we are approaching the festive season ,we need to take care and look after our environment.Keep it healthy so as we can stay healty as well.


  1. I love how informative your blog has been regarding the eco-system. It involves every living organsim and it important to take care of our whole eco-system and the environment in which are based. Yes we are appraoching the festive season and some can say we are already in the festive season so we need nor forget to take care of ourselves and especially our environment.

  2. realy it true Ablog, it is informative, becase as people we forget to take care of our enironmet aound us.
