Wednesday 26 September 2012

Water pollution

People in Informal Settlements Washing their clothes polluting the Water
Water pollution is a serious health, social, and environmental issue in many parts of the world, especially developing countries. There are currently more than one billion people in the world without the access to safe drinking water, and this issue is soon to become even worse because many scientists expect major droughts ,as a result of increasing climate change impact that will further limit already scarce water resources in many parts of the world.Water pollution is often characterized with excessive level of different pollutants into rivers. Cleaning these rivers from pollution requires huge funds, and since most of these incidents happen in developing countries there is often not enough money available for these funds.Water is one of the most precious resources on our planet.

 This means that water pollution issue must reach global level in terms of involving all countries in the world in a joint effort to find the best possible solutions to stop further rise of water pollution worldwide.Johannesburg is one of the cities with high rate of water pollution especially in informal settlements or shacks .For example ther you may find out that many people spent their lives in swimming so they pollute water by the means of swimming.Some of them do not have access to tap waters so they go to near rivers to fetch their water from.In few months ago an area called Bekkersdal in West Rand District experienced such problem of water pollution because the residents spent more than years having no access to tap water and the children used to go and play in that water area.This thing of water pollution affected so many peoples lives around the area
  • Stopping poverty is one of the best ways to tackle water pollution issue. Poor, uneducated people will fail to prevent water pollution, as they in general care very little for our environment.
  • Water purification methods could be also used to decrease the levels of water pollution in many countries of the world. Water purification methods refer to different processes that are used to remove harmful chemicals and other pollutants from water bodies so water could be used for safe.
 We mustn't forget that water pollution leads to different waterborne diseases that are causing the deaths of million people all over the world. Diarrhea alone causes approximately 1.5 million deaths of children worldwide each year.

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Stop Wildlife Crime

Sign Against Wildlife Crime
 Wildlife crime is now the most urgent threat to three of the world’s best-loved species—elephants, rhinos and tigers.Tens of thousands of elephants are poached each year. Between 1995 and 2007, experts estimate that elephant populations in Central Africa declined by more than 50 percent, primarily due to ivory poaching.

Close to 18,000 pounds of illicit rhino horn reaches Asian markets each year, where the street price rivals that of pure gold.There are as few as 3,200 tigers left in the wild and they are hunted relentlessly by poachers.Even more worrying, these species cannot survive high levels of poaching for long.

We can turn the tide.

We need your help to save wildlife and people from becoming victims of wildlife crime. Join our public relations practitioners campaign and help us:

  • Push governments to protect threatened animal populations by increasing law enforcement, imposing strict deterrents, reducing demand for endangered species products and honoring international commitments made under CITES.
  • Speak up on behalf of those on the frontlines being threatened by armed poachers so they are properly equipped, trained and compensated.
  • Reduce demand for illegal wildlife parts and products by encouraging others to ask questions and get the facts before buying any wildlife or plant product.
How You Can Help

  • Stop wildlife crime -Learn how you can take action against the most urgent to elephants ,rhinosand tigers.
  • Stay connected -Get the wildlife news and conservation updates.
  • Adopt a Rhino-Make a symbolic Rhino adoption to help save some of the worlds most endangerd animals from extinction and suport.
"Care for me and i care for you"message from our lovely wildlife animals,do what you would like people to do inreturn for you by loving and showing care to the wild animals suffering on daily basis.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Climate change is happening

Climate change is already affecting
 Climate change includes major changes in temperature, precipitation, or wind patterns, among other effects, that occur over several decades or longer.Many places have seen changes in rainfall, resulting in more floods, droughts, or intense rain, as well as more frequent and severe heat waves. The planet's oceans and glaciers have also experienced some big changes - oceans are warming and becoming more acidic, ice caps are melting, and sea levels are rising. As these and other changes become more pronounced in the coming decades, they will likely present challenges to our society and our environment.

In past weeks johannesburg has been experiencing high rate of rainfall even though its not summer yet.The weather kept on changing and people were affected by it drastically.People became confused of what to wear by then, so that showed that climate change exist and is happening .Humans are largely responsible for recent climate change,Over the past century, human activities have released large amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.The majority of greenhouse gases come from burning fossil fuels to produce energy, although deforestation, industrial processes, and some agricultural practices also emit gases into the atmosphere.Climate change affects everyone.Our lives are connected to the climate,Human societies have adapted to the relatively stable climate we have enjoyed since the last ice age which ended several thousand years ago.Although it's difficult to predict the exact impacts of climate change, what's clear is that the climate we are accustomed to is no longer a reliable guide for what to expect in the future.We can reduce the risks we will face from climate change, by making choices that reduce greenhouse gas pollution, and preparing for the changes that are already underway, we can reduce risks from climate change. Our decisions today will shape the world our children and grandchildren will live in.

We can make a difference
hands on a globe 
You can take action. You can take steps at home, on the road, and in your office to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the risks associated with climate change. Many of these steps can save you money; some, such as walking or biking to work can even improve your health! You can also get involved on a local or state level to support energy efficiency, clean energy programs, or other climate programs.